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Build huge biceps with this awesome exercise technique designed to stimulate a wide cross section of muscle fibers with multi dimensional forces by Dr. Eric Serrano MD.
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Improve triceps development by training multiple hand positions during a three exercise cluster.
Time Variant Cable Triceps extensions support excellent development. The functional range of motion with cable resistance is easy on the joints and reduces the stress on the shoulder when done correctly.
The most challenging curl movements you have ever imagined are now available to you. All you need to do is find a training partner and take action in the gym. Dr. Eric Serrano MD demonstrates
Eric Serrano MD applies tension at specific points to a long head biceps curls to increase muscle fiber recruitment necessary for maximizing muscle growth.
Pack on size to your biceps with this awesome exercise designed to stimulate a wide range of muscle fibers with Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson.
An excellent cable triceps extension movement to reduce elbow stress while stimulating the triceps.
Stimulate all three triceps heads with three grips and short rest for horseshoe triceps.
Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson demonstrate blast pauses during a single arm preacher curl to stimulate muscle growth.
Manual assistance training allows the non-working arm to assist the working arm towards the end of a set to maximize muscle fiber stimulation.
Build the biceps peak with unilateral preacher curl.
Start with a neutral grip and rotate to a pronated grip on top of the rep to increase triceps head involvement.
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target the upper back and posterior shoulder with the X Raise using cluster 8 negative execution.
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Target the lower portion of the lats with the palms facing the ceiling during the Supinated Lat Push Down. Keep the shoulder blades down during the entire movement. Notice the attention to the exercise tempo
Explosive movements are ideal for recruiting the oblique muscles which form a critical base for performance and 6 pack development.