Arm Training

Neutral Grip DB Triceps Extensions

Stimulate the triceps without stressing the elbows.

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Arm Training

Neutral Grip Cable Triceps Extensions

Palms facing each other. A great finishing movement for excellent triceps development.

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Arm Training

Pronated Cable Triceps Extension

A pronated grip with the palm facing the floor is one of many grips variations we use to maximize triceps development. You must target all three heads of the triceps to elevate performance and development.

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Arm Training

Supinated Cable Triceps Extension

Target the long head of the triceps muscle with a supinated grip.

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Arm Training

Prone Triceps Kick Backs

Add strategic variety to your training plan and fix the weakest links to improve triceps development. Set the bench at a 30 degree incline position. Our personalized program clients have made huge progress using specialized exercises to improve body composition and performance.

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Arm Training

Close Grip Push Ups

Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson demonstrate the proper close grip push up execution for triceps emphasis.

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Arm Training Chest Exercises

High Cable Triceps Extensions

Time extended contractions are a very effective tool for experienced trainees who must implement a consistent flow of fresh exercises into their routines to prevent staleness. Holding contracted positions of certain exercises are an excellent tool for fixing weaknesses which otherwise may end up causing injury.

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Arm Training Back Movements
Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set

Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set

Stimulate all three heads of the triceps muscles with appropriate grip adjustments. High tension bands offer an excellent form of resistance which provide a fresh set of stimuli for the muscles as well as the nervous system.

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Arm Training

Long Head Biceps Curl

Stimulate the long head of the biceps to build a great peak to the muscle.

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Arm Training

Extended Lever Curls

Holding the end of the dumbbell to increase the length of the lever provides fresh stimuli for the muscles.

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Arm Training

Close grip press

Close grip pressing is great for improving triceps strength and muscle development.

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Arm Training Chest Exercises

Multiple head triceps kick backs

Stimulate all three triceps heads in one excellent training series.

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Arm Training

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