Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set
Multiple Triceps Head Band Strip Set
Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set
Train the long of the triceps, lateral head of the triceps and medial head of the triceps.
Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set
We use specific bands designed for high tension movements which offer a unique force resistance curl in comparison to a standard weight. Band tension is highest at the end position and the force of the bands offer a different eccentric (negative) component than a typical exercise. Do not use general fitness bands as they will likely snap and can cause injury. Email for recommendations.
Scott H. Mendelson explains how to stimulate all three heads of the triceps muscles with appropriate grip adjustments. High tension bands offer an excellent form of resistance which provide a fresh set of stimuli for the muscles as well as the nervous system.
Skull crushers, triceps push downs and other typical triceps exercise can over stress elbows. Elbow irritations can lead to chronic pain and weakness. Properly executed band triceps movements can offer a lower joint stress alternative. Changing grips allows our clients to train the long, lateral and medial heads of the triceps in a strategic fashion.
We vary the number of bands used during the strip set demonstration to vary the tension. Following warm up starting a set with 2 bands offers the ability to “strip” the load by carefully releasing one band and continuing the set with remaining band. Scott Mendelson designs personalized training programs to burn body fat and build muscle with advanced tactics.
Advanced personalized training and nutrition program clients must implement advanced tactics including strip sets, unique exercises and band tension to reach their full potential. The muscles and nervous system need a consistent flow of fresh stimuli to improve body composition, performance and to prevent injury.
Warning specialized bands must be used for the demonstrated exercises to avoid injury. In appropriate bands may snap and cause injury.