Fat Burning Interval Cardio

Ball Slam Circuits

Ball Slams Circuits

Slamming medicine balls with various weight load amounts into the ground followed immediately by picking up the ball from a squat position improves six pack muscle definition while elevating fat burning hormones for up to 48 hours.

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Advanced Core Conditioning Fat Burning Interval Cardio
Unbalanced Load Core Training Lunge

Unbalanced Load Core Training Lunge

Unbalanced Load Core training requires the 6 pack muscles to engage as nature intended. Combining specialized exercises with short rest circuits improves muscle develop and increases rates of fat burning at the same time with 20 minute sessions.*

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Advanced Core Conditioning Fat Burning Interval Cardio
3 Position Band Core Complex

3 Position Band Core Complex

Six minute core training while boosting fat burning hormones through the roof at home.

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Advanced Core Conditioning Fat Burning Interval Cardio

Multi Phase Interval Sprints part 1

The key to success is depleting glycogen (stored carbohydrate) so that the body can burn more stored fat as fuel during subsequent stages of the interval session.

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Fat Burning Interval Cardio

Explosive Medicine Ball Throws

Earning a six pack is a matter of achieving a low body fat percentage combined with the correct core training system. Typical gym movements become less effective over time creating the need for strategic variety to make your core muscles “pop out”

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Advanced Core Conditioning Fat Burning Interval Cardio

Multi Phase Fat Burning Intervals 2

Multi phase interval sprints can deplete glycogen and increase utilization of stored fat as fuel. DR. Eric Serrano explains the three phases and their scientific importance.

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Fat Burning Interval Cardio

Scientific Expertise with
Dr. Serrano
nutritional supplement engineer

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Fat cell cleanse
Nutrition Plan

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Unbalanced load

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