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Learn how to earn a great six pack with the right training approach.
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Prepare the body to squat with this unique warm up and activation exercise sequence from Dr. Eric Serrano.
Stimulate all three triceps heads with three grips and short rest for horseshoe triceps.
Record your training program and refer to your program on your tablet or phone any time.
Strategic progressions accelerate body transformation and performance.
Learn how to execute a personalized weight training program and record your results in just a few minutes.
Assigning the correct speed to each phase of a repetition helps trainees get the most benefits out of every single set. Sets that last 40 to 70 seconds are ideal for boosting fat burning hormones and stimulating muscle fibers.
Each portion of the rep is assigned a number of seconds to enhance the benefits. A total duration of each set impacts fat burning hormone release as well as muscle fiber stimulation.
Packing a high volume of quality work into a short period of time can optimize fat burning hormones for 24 to 48 hours following each session.
Experienced trainees must have a constant flow of strategic variety every two to three weeks to prevent staleness and to keep the body progressing quickly.
The proper warm up protocol will improve execution and performance during weight training sessions.
Female weight training tactics to maximize fat burning include controlling rep speeds and minimize rest periods between sets.
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target the upper back and posterior shoulder with the X Raise using cluster 8 negative execution.
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Target the lower portion of the lats with the palms facing the ceiling during the Supinated Lat Push Down. Keep the shoulder blades down during the entire movement. Notice the attention to the exercise tempo
Explosive movements are ideal for recruiting the oblique muscles which form a critical base for performance and 6 pack development.