Rotational Med Ball Toss

Rotational Med Ball Toss

Explosive movements including the Rotational Med Ball Toss are ideal for elevating athletic performance and improving six pack development. Pay close attention to the strike point on the wall for the medicine ball so the ball bounces towards the outstretched arms and not the face. Make sure the medicine ball is appropriate for this particular movement and start with a lighter ball to perfect the form. See more great core training exercise videos and training strategies in the 6 Pack Band Training article which features Chance Ikei and Chad Ikei.

Rotational Med Ball Toss

A full rotation is a top priority which may require a very low weight load to start. Building up to a heavier medicine ball over time will be necessary to prioritize proper form and moving the ball explosively. Perform the reps listed in a personalized training program for both the right and left side. In other words one set consists of the right and left side. Start with the side that you perceive to be weaker.

Rotational Med Ball Toss
Focus on appropriate rotation and athletic knee bend to maximize the benefits of the Rotational Med Ball Toss. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder 30 minutes before and immediately after training accelerate comprehensive recovery, combat fatigue, improves performance and optimizes body composition. 4 to 8 GCX10 before training sends peak power, explosiveness, mental focus and strength endurance through the roof.


The movement must be explosive to maximize recruitment of the fast twitch rotational muscles including the internal and external obliques. Take note of the speed of the throws during the video and gradually work towards the demonstrated pace. A heavier medicine ball of five or eight pounds can be a progression to work towards following the perfection of form. Several additional progressions exist for the Rotational Med Ball Toss.