Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load

Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load

Get ready to make your biceps and forearm muscle grow like crazy with the Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load. The very long lever length of the barbell as Dr. Eric Serrano points out requires the muscles to work extremely hard to balance during every rep. Using a five pound plate on one side of the bar and two and a half pound plate on the other side adds to the strategic challenge.

Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load

You will also notice that the core muscles must engage in an intense manner curl the Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load to keep the torso in an upright position. The unfamiliar nature of this exercise helps to recruit more muscle fibers that a more common movement such as seated curls.

Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load

Challenging training sessions require advanced recovery tools and tons of growth materials provided by the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder designed by Dr. Eric Serrano.

100% MR is a proprietary blend of Branched Chain Amino Acids, Taurine, Glutamine and B complex vitamins Dr. Eric Serrano scientifically engineered to prevent muscle break down and to accelerate recovery of the muscles as well as the nervous system. Accelerated recovery supports minimal muscle soreness while helping trainees feel fresh the day following an intense training session.

Huge Forearms

The forearms must work like crazy to balance the long barbell during every rep of the Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load which helps tremendously with development and functional strength. Dr. Eric Serrano MD likes using this exercise and advanced variations with professional baseball players in particular. The baseball bat must be moved quickly and with extreme precision to be successful during a Major League Baseball season.

The Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load must be built into a well designed training program to gain the most muscle growth and strength benefits from this unique movement. A gradual approach must be taken by using other exercises to build a base of strength before progressing to the Single Arm Barbell Curl with Unbalanced Load.

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