Back Movements

3 Grip Row Complex

Three Grip Row Complex

Weakest to the strongest grip sequence to maximize body composition and performance improvements.

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Back Movements
X Lat Extension

X Lat Extension

Dr. Eric Serrano MD invented this movement using two high cable pulleys, however the exercise can be performed with one arm at a time when this particular cable set up is not available.

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Back Movements

Chest Supported NG Row

This particular execution is very helpful for fixing many common back muscle weaknesses.

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Back Movements
Chest Supported UH Row

Chest Supported UH Row

The rowing position with the bench as a chest support reduces lower back stress and enables trainees to improve the quality of each rep.

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Back Movements
Unilateral Neutral Grip Pull Down

Unilateral Neutral Grip Pull Down

Activate the lower portion of the Latissimus dorsi (lat) which often a weak area for most trainees that can lead to injury with unilateral neutral grip pull downs.

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Back Movements

High Cable Triceps Extensions

Time extended contractions are a very effective tool for experienced trainees who must implement a consistent flow of fresh exercises into their routines to prevent staleness. Holding contracted positions of certain exercises are an excellent tool for fixing weaknesses which otherwise may end up causing injury.

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Arm Training Back Movements

High Cable Arm Extension 2

A key to success is fixing weaknesses which often occur due to poor training program design. Proper execution keeps the latissimus dorsi down which prevents shoulder impingement.

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Back Movements

Proper Pull Up Thumb Position

Prevent elbow pain by using the proper thumb position during pull ups, chin ups and neutral grip pull ups.

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Back Movements

Rope Lat Pull Down

Improve functional grip strength by using a triceps rope during a lat pull down movement attached to a high cable pulley.

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Back Movements

Unilateral Chin Grip Pull Down

Unilateral Chin Grip Pull Downs help to balance strength levels between both arms.

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Back Movements

Neutral Grip Lat Pull Down

This exercise requires a special cable attachment that will allow you to execute the neutral grip.

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Back Movements
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

A wide grip lat pull down with a grip 2-3 inches wider than shoulder width works very well for back recruitment.

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