Lower Body Training

Glute Raise

Build a great butt with the glute raise exercise and medicine ball resistance variations.

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Lower Body Training

Double Quarter Lunge with Pause

Pauses increase the time under tension of sets which can increase the recruitment of muscle fibers and fat burning hormones.

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Lower Body Training

Double Quarter Lunge

Adding an extra 1/4 to the bottom and top of each rep adds strategic challenges.

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Lower Body Training

Front Foot Elevated Lunge

A front foot elevated lunge stimulates the quads, calf and posas muscles. Dr. Eric Serrano MD demonstrates the proper exercise posture and foot position to maximize benefits of the exercise.

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Lower Body Training
Band Glute Ham Raise

Band Glute Ham Raise

Band assisted glute ham raises are great for improving running speed and peak power.

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hamstrings Lower Body Training


The deadlift is an excellent exercise for improving peak power and muscle development.

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Lower Body Training


The squat is the king of all lower body exercises and is highly beneficial when performed correctly.

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Lower Body Training

Hanging hamstring raise

Engage your hamstrings from a hanging position to improve strength and development.

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Lower Body Training
Rear leg elevated lunge

Rear leg elevated lunge

Dr. Serrano instructs the Rear leg elevated lunge and discusses the importance for balance, abductors and adductors.

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Lower Body Training

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