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Professional MMA fighter Chance Ikei trains with the intent to win using advanced techniques.
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Strive for 5 Exercise sessions per week to earn an elevated rate of fat burning throughout the entire 7 day week.
Earn Razor Sharp Core Definition and slash body fat levels with 6 Pack Stability Training.
Transform your body with Strip 18 Training by getting the most benefits out of every single set. Men and Women can focus on body fat loss, muscle growth or a combination of both based on
Maximize the release of fat burning hormones and metabolic rate for the 48 hours following each fat torching Functional Body Conditioning Circuits at the bottom of this article. Excellent performance and accelerated recovery create even
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Explosive weight training with proper form increases competitive power and lean muscle mass when the correct recovery conditions are in place.
Stop shoulder pain and improve the productivity of training sessions with the right exercise selection.
Eat Big Time on vacation without gaining body fat or becoming sluggish with our proven training and nutrition strategies.