Fitness Tips

Strip 18 Training

Strip 18 Training

Transform your body with Strip 18 Training by getting the most benefits out of every single set. Men and Women can focus on body fat loss, muscle growth or a combination of both based on your individual situation and goals. Earn 18 perfect reps with each set by lowering the weight load one rep short of failure before resuming the set right away to recruit more muscle fibers while stimulating a huge release of fat burning hormones. for a free copy of the Strip 18 Training Program male and female versions.

Strip 18 Training Highlights

  • Men can gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time
  • Women burn body fat like crazy and firm up in all of the right places
  • Three workouts of 40 minutes or less each week
  • Find the right weight loads for your needs
  • Spark and great mood and huge sense of accomplishment with every session
  • Free program file includes instructional videos and tracking sheets


Huge pumps achieved during Strip 18 Training sets drives critical blood flow full of 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder to working muscles when they need it most. The proprietary amino acid blends developed by Dr. Eric Serrano MD create ideal conditions for excellent body transformations and rapid recovery of the muscles for both men and women.

Strip 18 Biceps

Huge pumps achieved during Strip 18 Training sets drive blood flow full of 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder to working muscles. The proprietary amino acid blends developed by Dr. Eric Serrano MD create excellent conditions for excellent body transformations and rapid recovery of the muscles.

Maximizing Body Fat Loss

Following a warm up pick a weight load that you think you can do for 9 reps with proper form and see how it goes. One rep short of failure reduce the weight load 10-20% depending on what dumbbells are available and continue the set right away for a total of 18 reps. Adjust the starting weight load for each set based on the performance during the first set. Do not stress if you have to strip the load at 6 or 7 reps instead of 9 for example. The key is get 18 total challenging reps with proper form to maximize the release of fat burning hormones.

Harder is Better for Fat Burning

Expect these sets to be very challenging and do not sell yourself short by coasting through the sets with weight loads that are less than your best. Using the most challenging weight loads will help to increase the release of fat burning hormones. Sipping 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder before, during and immediately after your Strip 18 sessions will allow you achieve more quality sets by accelerating recovery of the muscles and the nervous system while training and increase the utilization of stored fat as fuel.

Strip 18 Training 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder

GCX10 capsules before training attack stubborn and visceral fat while increasing peak strength and endurance needed to perform challenging Strip 18 sets. Benefit from razor sharp focus without the use of stimulants and target the stubborn layer of fat covering your abs with GCX10.

Three Phase Strip Sets for Accelerating Muscle Growth

Men wanting to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time can use heavier weight loads and as a result two additional strips during the set. During the same set you will use three different weights so be near the dumbbell rack to have access to what you need. Start with a weight load you can use for 6 high quality reps before stripping the weight load 10 to 20%. Continue right away for 6 more excellent reps and strip the weight load again 1o to 20% before getting the final 6 reps of the set.

The muscle pump is going to be massive especially when the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder are used before and during the training session. Increased blood flow will deliver the critical balance of amino acids Dr. Eric Serrano MD created within seconds as the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis bypass digestive hang ups. Protein powders for example deliver too little, too late to impact training or anything else for that matter besides creating a bloated gut.

Strip 18 Lower Body Training

Strip 18 Training is great for women to burn off fat quickly and firm up in all of the right places including the glutes. GCX10 attacks stubborn and visceral fat with research proven ingredient lactoferrin at a potent dosage.

Our proven methods of lowering the weight load once or twice during the set allows clients to push their limits and make huge physique improvements over 6 weeks. Adding phases to your sets doubles or triples the time under tension for muscles while keeping sessions under 40 minutes a few times per week. Four exercises are used with each training session in a giant set fashion with short periods in between sets to create a huge release of fat burning hormones. Changing the weight load at certain points during the set allows each person to focus on their objectives while working with their unique genetic design.

How Many Sets is Best For You?

The number of sets to perform depends on the individual recovery conditions for each session which can vary widely. Trainees can do change the number of sets done each week based on the recovery conditions to make the most out of every Strip 18 Training opportunity. Most people will do very well with between 3 and 4 total giant set revolutions not including warm up. This equals 12 to 16 sets total per session since there are four exercises total per giant set revolution. Consider sleep, stress levels, access to 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder, goals, training experience, nutrition programming and more.

Giant Sets

Four exercises done in a row with 60 seconds rest in between allow certain muscles to rest while others are working full tilt. Keeping rest periods short improves efficiency and increases the release of fat burning hormones. After completing all four exercises you simply repeat the process anywhere from three to five times depending on your recovery capabilities that day.

The Critical Drop Off Point

Doing more sets just for the sake of doing so is a broken strategy which leads to over training, stubborn body fat accumulation and muscle loss. Feeling completely spent after three revolutions of the Strip 18 Training sessions would indicate that add another revolution is not needed or productive. Those wanting to maximize rates of muscle growth may benefit from four or five revolutions pending their training age and other factors. Optimizing recovery of the muscles as well as the nervous system with the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder should always play a part in the decision of how many sets need to be performed.

Focus on quality over quantity and realize that just three intense revolutions requires more work than what most people do in 90 minutes due to the short rest periods and strip set executions. for a free copy of the Strip 18 Training Program male and female versions.