Fitness Tips

Holiday Cheat Meal Strategies for Stopping Body Fat Accumulation

By. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson

Hey it’s Holiday Time which means time to eat! Do not let guilt ruin your holiday fun. The proven strategies tested by our clients below will help you to stop body fat accumulation through multiple pathways.

Holiday cheat meal strategies

You do not want to end up in the post- Holiday Meal carbohydrate induced coma which an lead to accelerated body fat storage for several days following the meal. These conditions are also associated with poor energy and focus which interfere with your ability to burn off the additional food intake.

Dr. Serrano’s take on Preventing Body Fat Accumulation

“I have patients who like to eat like crazy over holidays so we have conducted a few experiments recently using the Alpha Omega M3 to block fat storage. 2 groups of patients were instructed to eat whatever they wanted for an entire week while 1 group exercised daily and used 9 Alpha Omega per day. The other group did nothing but sit on the couch. The Alpha Omega group did not gain a significant amount of body fat while the other experienced huge increases in body fat (8 lbs or more in only a week). The concentration of the new fat accumulation were in areas I associate with poor insulin management based on years of conducting elaborate blood work testing reviews.”* Eric Serrano MD

Big Meal Rules for Avoiding a Santa Belly

Holiday Cheat Meal Strategies to Limit Body Fat Storage

You do not want to look like this on the beach! 9-12 Alpha Omega M3 spread over the day interferes with body fat storage even when food choices are less than ideal such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Holiday Parties and more. *

Execute an intense weight training session to pack a high volume of work into 60 minutes or less 1-2 hours before your big meal to boost metabolism and fat burning hormones.

A correctly designed training session will increase muscular nutrient demand helping to drive the vast amount of raw materials made available from the big meal into hungry muscles.

Weight training to enhance fat burning

A weight training session making use of two or even three phases of each set by strategically reducing the loads for each phase is a metabolic and hormonal game changer, but only if you apply maximum intensity with attention to proper exercise form, rep tempos and accuracy of rest periods. Email to discuss customized plans for your specific needs.

 Alpha Omega M3 Interferes with Body Fat Accumulation

You must take 6 to 9 Alpha Omega M3 during the BIG meal pending your body weight to prevent body fat accumulation, reduce hunger and reduce cravings.*

Alpha Omega M3 is not only a great investment in lowering body fat levels, but also keeping them low long term by creating several powerful barriers to body fat accumulation.  Satisfying and ultimately improving the function fat cells with Dr. Serrano’s proprietary blend of essential fatty acids makes it more difficult for “garbage” such as the banned ingredients listed below to penetrate the cell to increase body fat even with the diet is less than perfect. Insulin is the body’s most potent fat storage hormone so optimizing these levels with Alpha Omega M3 keeps your fat storage capacity in check following a huge meal.*

Breakfast Cheat Meals cause more fat storage than other times

A breakfast including high refined carbohydrate intake or other bad food choices has shown to have a negative impact for up to 12 hours. Lunch including the same bad food choices may have a negative impact for 4 hours or less. An entire cheat day can cause a great deal of damage. Confine the bad food choices to one meal during the afternoon or evening to minimize body fats storage.*

Utilize functional core training exercises to build a razor sharp six pack.

Utilize functional core training exercises to build a razor sharp six pack.

Implement the 1 Dessert Slice Rule

Hey it is Thanksgiving there is no problem with having a piece of Pumpkin Pie, but be practical! Eating too many desserts will get you into trouble. So limit dessert to one or two choices with smaller portions so you do not set yourself up for a belly ache! Fruit makes for a great dessert choice as it is very filling due to the dietary fiber content.

Banned Ingredients

The Big meal should never be the first meal of the day and should not include the Fat Cell Damaging ingredients: Trans fats, Fried Foods, Processed/Refined Foods, Soy Bean Oil, High Fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Oil. These ingredients activate fat storage and can interfere with fat burning for many days or even weeks following their consumption. Minimizing alcohol intake is also very helpful for preventing body fat accumulation as alcohol not only provides empty calories, but also lowers fat burning hormones for many days in some cases.

Avoid Your In-Laws in the Kitchen or on The Couch

Remain active all day and during the evening following the big meal to burn off food intake and to avoid eating more out of boredom. Do work around the house and play Football in the back yard. This will also help you avoid in your In-Laws or other troublesome relatives stationed on the couch or in the kitchen.

Modified fasting sparks fat burning

Do not eat following Dinner and replace breakfast with Fat Reduce FBO5 day time formula, naturally flavored 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder to accelerate fat burning before eating at lunch time the following day.  Modified fasting can bring insulin levels back to normal (fat storage hormone). To Burn Fat Fast between now and the end of the year you can use this modified fasting tactic as part of the KISS Fat Loss Nutrition Plan.*

Organic protein choices can improve body composition

Earn Single Digit body fat with a personalized weight training, interval sprint and nutrition and program.

Grass fed protein source benefits

Organic protein choices have fewer fat storage properties even when consumed in large quantities vs. commercially raised animals. Dietary fats within organic/grass fed animals are free of fat storage hormones such as estrogen which are typically given to commercially raised animals to increase their body weight for higher auction prices. So get an organic turkey or other wild birds to be featured on Thanksgiving.

Take Fat Reduce FBO5 Night Time formula 2 hours before bed to ensure restful sleep associated with natural fat burning hormone regeneration. A good night of sleep will help you wake up feeling well rested and ready to take on challenges such as avoiding bad food choice left overs. High energy levels related to optimal sleep lead to better food and exercise choices.*

Train hard the day following a cheat meals

Perform another weight training session the day following the big meal to clear more sugars from the blood stream and to take advantage of the Anabolic Hormonal Environment created by the Big Meal.

Lactoferrin attacks stubborn and visceral Fat

Our clients have had great success using GCX10 Physique and Performance Enhancer 30 minutes before training to double the rate of fat loss- specifically attacking visceral and stubborn fat. Research shows that key GCX10 ingredient Lactoferrin interferes with the accumulation of fat in cells, prevents the formation of new fat cells and increases the utilization of stored fat to be burned as fuel.*

 Get Rid of the Bad Food Choice Leftovers

It is important to get back to optimal nutrition habits the day following Thanksgiving or any holiday for that matter. Get the high sugar desserts and other high carbohydrate leftovers out of the house! If they are not there, you will not eat them. Otherwise you can find yourself eating poorly for an entire week or more and before you know it Christmas arrives with another week of bad food choices. As a result a couple weeks of poor food choices will pack on body fat.