Fitness Tips
Prevent Holiday Body Fat 2022
You can Prevent Holiday Body Fat 2022 accumulation while eating big time with our proven nutrition, training and scientifically engineered supplementation protocols tested with thousands of clients. The average American adult gains 10 to 20 pounds of body fat during the holiday season while building up fat storage momentum which limits success during the New Year. Keep billions of fat cells clean and pristine with the Alpha Omega M3 and EZ14 taken during your holiday meals to interfere with body fat accumulation on multiple levels. Get a head start on 2023 fat loss success by emailing for free copies of the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan files designed to help you Outsmart up to 10 Pounds of Body Fat in Just three weeks.
Prevent Holiday Body Fat 2022
- Take 8 Alpha Omega M3 and 6 EZ14 right before a holiday Feast
- Keep billions of Fat Cells Clean and Pristine
- Use Fat Reduce FBO5 Day and Night time to boost fat burning
- Weight train a couple hours before a holiday meal
- Take a 10 Minute Walk After All Meals
- Avoid Trans fats, foods fried in corn oil and preservatives
- Utilize fasted periods before and after holiday feasts
- Weight Train the day following holiday feasts
- Deplete muscle glycogen to create more room for new carb consumption
Cleansing billions of fat cells is crucial for lowering body fat levels quickly and keeping those levels low over the long term. Exclusive advantages of the Alpha Omega M3 created by Dr. Eric Serrano MD based on many years of successful patient research cleanse billions of fat cells by offering the ideal ratios of essential fats that cells crave. This process known as fat cell cleansing forces out the bad stuff stuck in fat cells such as trans fats and other garbage to be burned as fuel. The collective shrinking of billions of fat cells throughout this process of using at least 3 Alpha Omega M3 with meals twice daily is how we lower body levels significantly and keep those levels low over the long term.
Alpha Omega M3 scientifically engineered ingredient ratios exclusive benefits based on extensive patient research by Dr. Eric Serrano MD to improve rates of body fat loss, body transformation and elevating quality of life. Toxin Filtrated EPA/DHA (fish oil), CLA, GLA, ALA, Vitamin E, Avocado Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil in specialized ratios packed Extra into every dark capsule.
- Naturally optimize Insulin Sensitivity
- Satisfy billions of fat cells with the ideal ratios of raw materials before garbage can store in cells
- Drive carbohydrates into hungry muscles instead of spilling over into new body fat
- Purge bad materials lodged into fat cells such as trans fats
- Stop Fat cell Multiplication and increased fat storage warehouse size
- Improve Daily Energy Balance
- Crush cravings and hunger
- Support Radiant Hair and Skin Quality
The muscles store carbohydrate known as glycogen to fuel activity. Depleting muscle glycogen with a low carbohydrate intake, high density weight training and fat burning intervals puts the body into a situation where more stored fat can be used as fuel. This tactic works very well for our clients during the holidays as new carbohydrate consumed from pies, mashed potatoes and more can flow into muscles instead of creating new body fat easily.
Weight training before your holiday feasts and taking Alpha Omega M3 with your feasts will help to drive new carbohydrate into hungry muscles instead of spilling over into billions of impressionable fat cells. The average adult can store anywhere from 200 to 600 grams of carbohydrates as muscle glycogen pending their lean body weight and other factors. This creates a lot of carb storage capacity when the correct strategies are used. The highly advanced yet simple to execute strategies within the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition plan are perfect for depleting muscle glycogen levels multiple times throughout the holiday season. Prevent Holiday Season Body Fat Accumulation with strategies that have worked for thousands of clients.
Weight training a couple hours before your holiday feast revs up metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, further depletes muscle glycogen and reduces cravings based on many years of successful client feedback. Using a higher volume than usual by way of the number sets and repetition brackets makes perfect sense before you plan to consume a lot of carbohydrate. Prevent Holiday Body Fat 2022
Following a big holiday meal you will want to be active such as taking a walk around the block or perhaps participating in a holiday dance battle. Taking the 6 EZ14 before your large meals will help to prevent the typical sluggishness that plants most people on the couch for days. Another high volume weight training session the day following a holiday feast gets metabolism going, but more importantly helps to clear excess sugar from the bloodstream that otherwise can easily turn into new body fat.
Email for free copies of the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition System and to discuss your situation and goals for the New Year. There is no better time than the present to plan the strategies needed for an excellent body transformation during the first 12 weeks of 2023. Prevent Holiday Fat 2022 as a first step towards your 2023 success.