Fitness Tips
8 Manly Physique Transformation Strategies
Maximize rates Muscle Growth and Fat Burning at the same time with 8 Manly Physique Transformation Strategies perfected based on many years of client unmatched success. Learn how to starve your body fat while feeding your muscles with the perfect growth materials at the right times. Executing the right strategies on a consistent basis forms the key to success. We review thousands of training/nutrition plans from new clients each and every single one has room for huge improvement in multiple areas that can quickly be rectified.
8 Manly Physique Transformation Strategies
Redefine your definition of intensity by embracing new training techniques that provide strategic challenge during relatively short training sessions. Your nutrition, training and scientifically engineered supplementation plan should allow you to make incremental improvements to your weight training and functional training sessions each week. Improved performance correlates directly with your ability to maximize rates of body fat loss and muscle growth. The new batch of GCX10 now contains lactoferrin which is a powerful ingredient for attacking stubborn and visceral fat in addition to other benefits. 4 GCX10 Rapid Physique and Performance Enhancer capsules 30 minutes before training will increase weight loads, quality reps, the ability to perform more high value sets, sharpen mental focus and to overcome exercise induced discomfort, all without any stimulants.
Nutrition Tactics for Gaining Muscle and Losing Body Fat At the Same Time
- Flexible Fasting to maximize rates of fat burning and to make nutrient utilization more efficient.
- Post Training Carb and Dietary Fat Loading with EZ14 Digestive Enzyme Catalyst and Alpha Omega M3 to naturally Peak Anabolism.
- 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder Pre/During/Post Training Provide Calorie Free Muscle Building Blocks in addition to rapid recovery.
- Changing the length of Fasted Periods and Macronutrient Cycling protocols on Training days vs. non training days.
Training Strategies for Gaining Muscle and Losing Body Fat at the Same Time
- Action Packed 45 minute Weight Training Sessions with Short Rest Periods 3-4 times per week to boost natural fat burning hormones for up to 48 hours while naturally optimizing the testosterone to cortisol ratio.
- Challenging Loading to stimulate fast twitch muscle fibers with the greatest potential for growth.
- Increased Time Under Tension and fresh nervous system stimuli with ischemic strength training executions.
- Functional Body Conditioning Circuits and Fat Burning Intervals twice per week.
Keep in mind that high levels of confidence in your plan of attack and the right mindset make hard work feel extremely good! This can only be achieved when firing on all cylinders with proper nutrition, training and scientifically engineered supplementation to fuel your success on a consistent basis.
Flexible Fasting for Simultaneous Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
Concentrating food intake during the meals following training is vital for maximizing rates of muscle growth and body fat loss. Fasting for 16 hours creates excellent fat burning conditions while making the body more efficient with nutrient utilization. A fast from the period following dinner until lunch the next day can easily reach 16 hours which is significantly more effective for fat burning in comparison to 12 hours.