Fitness Tips

Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days

Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days

Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days. What can you achieve in 28 days? Quite a lot under the right guidance.

Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days

We started our 4 week challenge at the start of January right after a month of Christmas celebrations full of rich food, chocolate and alcohol, which was great and something everyone should enjoy.

Chrissy Burns 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse

Chrissy burns 4 week transformation fueled by consistent training, execution of the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse, Fat Reduce FBO5, 100% MR, Muscle Synthesis Powder, Alpha Omega M3 and GCX10.

However there is a time to reel it in and get back at it. The aim of our 4 week challenge was to kick start everyone back into health a fitness, our nutrition program was focused on fat loss, increasing energy levels, lowering stress and correcting digestive issues.

We had fantastic results from everyone, our total weight loss was 288 pounds (over 20 stone) this is a fantastic achievement for everyone and I know from speaking to everyone it was tough but by the end, energy levels were high, some digestive issues were resolved and everyone was feeling great.

21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Salad

21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Salad includes wild caught shrimp, cage free chicken breast, fresh avocado, seasoning, lettuce and a variety of vegetables to form a highly satisfying meal. Add Alpha Omega M3 and EZ14 to your meals to help the body respond more favorably to everything that you eat while creating conditions that are ideal for fat burning.

Food preparation is very easy with the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse and meals are very enjoyable. I enjoy the meals with high protein, high amounts of dietary fat from the proper sources and a variety of vegetables.

Our members and myself used the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan approach over a 28 day period with great success. The members participating in the plan used the Alpha Omega M3, 100% MR, Muscle Synthesis Powder and Fat Reduce FBO5 Day/Night time formula. I added GCX10 to my own protocol pre workout for the improved performance with peak strength and endurance.


Group Fat Loss with the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse

The version of the Alpha Omega M3 pictured is available primarily in Europe and select clients in the USA. The 120 Alpha Omega M3 capsule bottle pictured has smaller capsules than the 90 capsule version as a serving size was spread over 4 capsules instead of 3. The AOM3 120 capsule also has added Omega 7 based on recent research of Dr. Eric Serrano MD.

This is not something that ends after 4 weeks, we have follow up nutrition plans for our members which become easier to execute with fat loss and health still in mind. The Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days can be replicated during the following cycle with the right consistency and quality of execution.


21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse meals

21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse meals are very easy to prepare. A combination of Apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil from a dark bottle, lemon juice and spices serves as a great salad dressing. Most commercially available salad dressings should be avoided due to the content of canola oil, soy bean oil and other bad ingredients.

Our choice of supplementation had a massive role to play in our results. I highly recommend Scott Mendelson @infinityfitness_dot_com for the proprietary Supplements designed by Dr. Eric Serrano MD for fat loss, recovery and limiting stress!

Chrissy Burns February 5 2019 Badbridge Northern Ireland Group Burns 288 Pounds of Fat in 28 Days