Pull UP With Medicine Ball Pinch
Performing Pull UP With Medicine Ball Pinch includes pinching a 6 pound soft medicine ball between the toes activates the abducters and internal rotator muscles. Dr. Eric Serrano MD invented this special exercise to prevent groin injuries for his patient. The soft medicine ball will allow you to squeeze the ball between the feet with significant force to keep it in place. It is hard to see the challenge of squeezing the ball during the video, but this will be a challenging element for a majority of the population.
Pull UP With Medicine Ball Pinch
Dr. Serrano used a 6 pound ball which is much more difficult when held between feet in the extended position. The lats and all muscles involved with the grip much work much harder than a body weight pull up due to the location of the load. The act of pinching the ball also changes the engagement of the muscles in a complex manner.
Real Core Work
Holding the ball in the extended position also forces the core muscles to engage in a functional manner during the entire set. The emphasis is placed on the lower portion of the rectus abdominus muscle during this unique exercise.
Pull UP With Medicine Ball Pinch is one of many unique movements included within personalized 12 week weight training, interval cardio, nutrition and recovery plans to maximize client physique transformation success. Having the right personalized program for your needs will make every training session pay off to get you closer to short and long term goals.
Scott Mendelson brings order to training by implementing the correct strategies to fit each client’s individual needs and goals. Training “hard” is not enough to earn a great physique. Working hard and smart on a consistent basis while taking care of recovery needs are keys to success.