Fitness Tips

New Year Fat Burning Strategies

6 New Year Body Fat Loss Proven Strategies

By: Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson

Bad food choices and a lack of properly designed training programs during the holidays have dug a metabolic hole by negatively impacting fat cells, elevating fat storage hormones and more. The New Year is a great opportunity to utilize fresh training and nutrition strategies. A small percentage of people did not pile on body fat during the holidays, but they are likely lacking in other areas. Now is the ideal time to take corrective action and activate your New Year’s dream body solutions.

Eating "clean" is not enough to earn a low body fat percentage. The right nutrition strategy must be in place to maximize your success.

Eating “clean” is not enough to earn a low body fat percentage. The right macronutrient cycling strategy which rotates carbohydrate, protein, and dietary fat amounts must be in place to maximize your rate of success. Personalized weight training, interval sprint and nutrition plans hammer out all of the important details so clients can focus on great execution in a low stress environment.*

Proven Body Composition Improvement Strategies

For more than a decade we have helped clients reach their short and long term physique improvement goals. Start thinking about your dream body for Spring Break and the summer of 2016. Approach your New Year’s goals with proven fat burning strategies to match current challenges. January 1 is typically an overwhelming date for all trainees ranging from beginners to highly experienced people who want to maximize their success.

 Strive for five high quality weekly exercise sessions

Properly designed weight training and interval sessions not only increase rates of fat burning during the sessions, but also for the 24 to 48 hours following. As a result 5 exercise sessions per week supports elevated fat burning for an entire seven day period. Highly dense weight training sessions are ideal for fat burning and should take 45 minutes or less a few times per week. Interval sprint workouts using a wide variety of venues other than just running range from 30 to 45 minutes twice weekly and can be done at home with no equipment to save on commute time.*

Training for results vs. just going through the motions

Experienced trainees must take a fresh approach to training and nutrition to earn great progress. The human body adapts to exercise programs withing a couple weeks making them less effective over time. Programs that worked in the past will not produce the same benefits presently. A personalized weight training, interval sprint and nutrition plan ensures that all of your hard work will pay off towards your physique improvement goals.

Trans fats, corn oil from fried foods, preservatives and other bad ingredients found in refined foods block fat burning at the cellular level. These bad materials must be flushed out of fat cells with proper eating including consumption of organic dietary fat sources. Alpha Omega M3 proprietary essential fatty acid ratios cleanse fat cells so that you can burn stored fat as fuel.

Holiday junk including trans fats, corn oil from fried foods, preservatives and other bad ingredients found in refined foods block fat burning at the cellular level. These bad materials must be flushed out of fat cells with proper eating including consumption of organic dietary fat sources. Alpha Omega M3 proprietary essential fatty acid ratios cleanse fat cells so that you can burn stored fat as fuel.*

Carbohydrate Detox

Cut out the refined carbs so the body can burn more stored fat as fuel. Yes refined carbs including baked goods, pasta, cereal, bread, etc. are addictive, but they have to be controlled to optimize fat burning. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder kill cravings, reduce soreness and provide a powerful alternative energy source when carb intake is reduced. The proprietary blend of amino acids scientifically engineered by Dr. Serrano make the brain believe a huge volume of food has been consumed. As a result metabolic rate goes through the roof, but there is nothing to burn except stored fat since the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis have no caloric burden.*

Stop the Carbicide

Get the bad food choices including refined carbs out of the house and the office so they cannot be consumed during moments of weakness. Quite simply bad food choices cannot be consumed in the middle of the night or at other times if they are not available.

Fat burning kick starter

Aggressive fat loss tactics include eliminating all carbohydrate with the exception of green vegetables for 14 days. The absence of carbohydrate and other strategies within the KISS Fat Loss Nutrition program helps the body shift to using a higher percentage of stored fat as fuel. A high green vegetable intake provides vital dietary fiber content, anti-oxidants and natural detoxification benefits. Focusing on organic foods and grass fed protein choices are also a powerful step towards improved body composition and daily energy.*

Dietary fat loading

‎Following the 14 day period our clients utilize carbohydrate and dietary fat loading feasts to increase fat burning/muscle building enzymes, prevent metabolic staleness and to naturally optimize fat burning hormones. The amounts of food, combinations, timing and frequency depend on many individual client factors and their rate of fat burning progress. Individual factors include stress levels, training volume, training frequency, competition demands, genetics, gender, sleep quality, food allergies/sensitivities and more.*

Email 7 days per week to discuss your situation and goals.