Strip 18 Semi Neutral Grip Incline Press

Strip 18 Semi Neutral Grip Incline Press

Two or three different weight loads can be used during Strip 18 Semi Neutral Grip Incline Press sets. The weight load management will impact the emphasis of muscle growth or body fat loss based on the qualities trained. The semi neutral grip puts less stress on the shoulder joint than a traditional prorated pressing grip. A thirty degree incline bench angle is the best setting to use for most trainees, but can be adjusted accordingly.


Strip 18 Semi Neutral Grip Incline Press

Strip 18 Semi Neutral Grip Incline Press Load Adjustment

Each intense rep is an opportunity to drive raw materials within in the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder into the muscles with enhanced blood flow from training. The proprietary blend of amino acids Dr. Eric Serrano MD scientifically engineered within the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder create metabolic, hormonal and raw material conditions which support excellent body transformations. 


Maximizing Muscle Growth Loading

All of the weight loads mentioned during the video are kilograms since the videos were filmed at the Flex Gym in Belfast Norther Ireland. We planned for Adam to start with 22 kilos (48.5 pounds approximately) for six reps, 20 kilos for 6 reps and finally 18 kilos for the final six reps. The objective was to get a total of 18 high quality reps with very challenging loading. The estimates of how many reps should be done with each weight will vary based on many factors which is fine. Higher loading with proper form and speed of the reps provides greater opportunity for muscle growth.

Accelerating Fat Loss Loading

We typically aim for nine reps with the first weight load for those wanting to maximize rates of body fat loss before reducing the weight approximately ten percent. However make use of the dumbbells that are quickly accessible to minimize rest between phases of the set. The advantage of using a total of two weight loads instead of three is that there is less rest between phases for a more continuous effort.