3 Execution Press
The 3 Execution Press provides three distinctly different executions within the same set to stimulate a wide cross section of muscle fibers and to increase fat burning hormone levels. Muscles and the nervous system adapt very quickly to exercises which requires fresh stimuli on a consistent basis.
3 Execution Press
Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott Mendelson demonstrate the 3 Execution Press. The 10 controlled reps at the start of the set use a three second count to press the weight, no pause at the top, three seconds to lower the weight, no pause on the bottom to consist of rep. 10 reps in this fashion helps to warm up the shoulders and increase blood flow to shoulders, pectoral muscles and arms.
The second phase of the set includes a ten second pause at the mid point of the rep which is especially difficult following the first phase of the set using the controlled rep speeds.
Finally twenty reps are executed with a faster pace with perfect form to finish the set. Your strength levels may surprise you at this point of the set as the nervous system is turned on to help you meet the extreme challenge. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder sipped 30 minutes before training provide muscles with a very powerful alternative energy source during intense training while preventing muscle break down.
The 3 Execution Press is one of many different unique patterns we use for personalized 12 week training and nutrition plan clients. If you have been training for a long period of time and have aggressive goals, the weight training, interval sprint, nutrition and recovery protocols must be designed correctly to maximize your success.