2 Phase Post Workout Meals for Max Muscle Growth
The three hour window following weight training is absolutely crucial for maximizing muscle growth without body fat accumulation. Our 12 week personalized weight training and nutrition program clients have earned great success with the 2 Phase Post Workout Meals for Max Muscle Growth. We position the first meal 30 minutes after training and the second 2.5 hours following training to take full advantage of this muscle growth window of opportunity.
2 Phase Post Workout Meals for Max Muscle Growth
Immediately following training use the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder to accelerate recovery of the muscles as well as the nervous system while laying the perfect raw material foundation for excellent rates of muscle growth. Dr. Eric Serrano MD scientifically engineered the specific amino acid ratios within the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis to be utilized within seconds of drinking the great tasting combination.
Protein powders are too little- too late.
Protein powders such as whey, casein and other combinations offer too little- too late as they take hours to break down and by the time they are digested very little raw material is left for starving muscles. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis powder bypass digestive delays so they can replenish working muscles with critical raw materials within seconds.*
2 Phase Post Workout Meals for Max Muscle Growth
The first post workout meal is positioned 30 minutes after weight training with a heavy emphasis on carbohydrate, easily digestible protein and smart dietary fat sources. This combination of food sources is assembled for quick absorption and replenishment of the muscles as well as glycogen stores.
Alpha Omega M3 taken with both post training meals drives raw materials into hungry muscles instead of spilling over into fat cells. The special combination of essential fatty acids optimize insulin sensitivity which is a very important natural anabolic marker of success.
Dietary fat loading
The second post workout meal is designed to extend the period of anabolism with a high intake of good dietary fats and proteins from organic sources such as grass fed steak, hot dogs, burgers, lamb, bison and more. In many cases we add avocados, nuts, extra-virgin olive oil and more for hard gainers who need more dietary fat to gain muscle.