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Hold a weight load at the mid point of a rep for 30 seconds for maximum muscle activation and fat burning hormone generation. Time Variant Upper Body Training represents a fresh approach to transform body composition,
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Deplete stored holiday carbs from muscles so the body can focus on burning tons of stored body fat as fuel with the three day training program at the bottom of this article. Combining the 50
Explosive Medicine Ball Throws and Interval Sprints to Develop A Razor Sharp Core By: Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson Functional core conditioning Earning a six pack is a matter of achieving a low
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target the upper back and posterior shoulder with the X Raise using cluster 8 negative execution.
Target the lower portion of the lats with the palms facing the ceiling during the Supinated Lat Push Down. Keep the shoulder blades down during the entire movement. Notice the attention to the exercise tempo
Explosive movements are ideal for recruiting the oblique muscles which form a critical base for performance and 6 pack development.