Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Contraction

Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Contraction

Train the back efficiently with Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Contraction reps for each arm. Start with the weaker arm and reduce the load as needed to achieve 18 highly quality reps for each arm.


Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Contraction

Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Contraction Top Position

Notice the top position Leigh keeps a ten degree bend in her elbow. The grip changes from neutral to palm facing Leigh in the bottom position with the elbow brought towards the bottom of the rib cage. Women earn tremendous body fat loss and reshaping advantages when using the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder around Strip 18 Training sessions. Elevated performance drives up fat burning hormones and metabolism for the 48 hours following training only if proper fueling and recovery support are provided by the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder created with special amino acid ingredient ratios by Dr. Eric Serrano MD.

Unilateral Training Advantages

Training unilaterally allows each arm to earn ideal stimulation and full range of motion. A pull down performed with a bar limits the range of motion because the bar must stop at the chest. The Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Down enables the elbow to travel down to the bottom of the rib cage and to rotate the grip during the set from neutral to supinated.  12 week personalized weight training and nutrition plan clients will use extended pauses at the bottom position of unilateral work to improve development more quickly.

Top Position

On top of the rep the elbow should not be completely straight. Keep at least 10 degrees bend in the elbow to avoid joint stress. Concentrate on keeping the trap down during the entire set which supports proper engagement of the Latissimus Dorsi (lat). The palm should face inward on top of each rep during the Strip 18 Unilateral Pull Down.

Contracted Position

Bring the elbow to the bottom of the rib cage and contract the core muscles at the same time for increases engagement. Advanced variations of this exercise involve rotations and extended holds per Dr. Eric Serrano MD training protocols.