20-15-10 Shoulder Matrix

20-15-10 Shoulder Matrix

Train the front, lateral and posterior shoulder deltoid muscles with the 20-15-10 Shoulder Matrix. Short rest periods between sets increases fat burning hormones, but also leaves more muscle fibers open to stimulation over the course of the three exercise matrix. Earn awesome shoulder definition, strength and balance with the strategically designed shoulder training matrix designed by Scott Mendelson.

20-15-10 Shoulder Matrix

Scott Mendelson takes Peter Baird through the 20-15-10 Shoulder matrix. Peter sips the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder before, during and immediately after training sessions to accelerate recovery, significantly reduce soreness and to improve body composition with every challenging training session. 4 to 6 GCX10 Physique and Performance Enhancer tiny capsules taken before sessions help Peter get through the shoulder matrix with great success as peak power and strength endurance are through the roof.*

20-15-10 Shoulder Matrix

Prone DB L Raise 20 Reps

Rest twenty seconds

Seated DB Lateral Raise for 15 reps

Rest twenty seconds

Seated DB shoulder press for 10 reps

Max Contraction

The prone db L raise is an excellent movement for targeting the rear deltoid muscles. The contraction on top of each rep should be held for two seconds to maximize the benefits of every rep. This will cause most trainees to use a low weight load which is perfectly fine. We start the sequence with this rear delt shoulder exercise because this is typically the weakest of shoulder muscle cross section.

Adjust The Weight Load

Focus on proper form and execution to maximize the benefits from every set without causing joint pain. The lateral raise when done incorrectly is a very common source of shoulder, wrist and elbow pain. Notice how Scott Mendelson instructs Peter Baird to keep the elbows behind the ears during the lateral raise with a twenty degree elbow bend at all times. This execution point will help clients keep focus on the lateral deltoid muscle without grinding the shoulder tissues.*

The shoulder press will be very challenging following the prone db L raise and the lateral raise movements. The weight load may need to be reduced from what is normally used to account for the pre fatigue and short rest periods during the sequence.