Down 15 Pounds during 2023
I have always been an active person with much focus on health and nutrition since my twenties. I have also tried a lot of products on the market since then and Infinity Fitness in my opinion is the best I’ve tried. I use the 100% MR, Muscle Synthesis Powder, Alpha Omega M3, EZ14, GCX10 and Fat Reduce FBO5 Day and Nighttime formulas on a daily basis.
Down 15 Pounds during 2023
I am now in my 50’s and over the past few years have definitely noticed how the body changes with respect to metabolism etc.
I contacted Scott to assist me in my journey of fighting the middle age bulge with a 12 week personalized training and nutrition program. Scott made some recommendations with respect to diet and supplementation and with THAT alone (no specific workouts -yet) I honestly feel the best I have in the past few years! I’m sleeping better, my skin is looking better, and I have my youthful energy back again and people are starting to notice!
I will also say that proper nutrition made a big impact in my recovery from a knee injury- even at my age.
A huge thank you to Scott and his amazing team not only for offering a great product but also for the support and motivation to keep on target so my goals can be reached.
I’m down 15 pounds but have kept my muscle!
Dr. Betty H