
Quickly Burning 21 Fat Pounds Client Testimonial

Quickly Burning 21 Fat Pounds Client Testimonial

I had a rough seven months with working two jobs and trying to finish up my Master’s Degree. The combination of stress, lack of sleep and bad eating habits led to me putting on 20 pounds. I was in a bad place physically and I didn’t know how long it would take me to get back into shape once I finished school in May. Quickly Burning 21 Fat Pounds Client Testimonial

21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan Testimonial

I used the Fat Reduce FB05 Day and Night Time, Alpha Omega M3, GCX10, 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder during my 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition plan followed by the Day 22 Carb Load.

Quickly Burning 21 Fat Pounds Client Testimonial

I am amazed at the progress I was able to make in two months. I was able to drop 21 pounds and decrease my body fat percentage by nine points and still maintain my strength. This would not have been possible without the help of Scott Mendelson and the products from Infinity Fitness, which I consider to be the best in the industry. I learned about Infinity Fitness through listening to Dr. Eric Serrano speak at various seminars. The support they provide, along with the high-quality supplements they make is unmatched.

I knew to go to Scott Mendelson for help

I first worked with Scott in 2017 and was able to drop 15 pounds over the summer and achieve the best physique I’ve ever had in my life. This year, I found myself in bad shape and turned to Scott and Infinity Fitness again to help get me back into shape. Scott provided monthly check ins to monitor my progress and introduced me to the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan and 88 Day Burn Cycle, which I followed over the summer. This program showed me how to maximize fat loss through my diet while maintaining the energy to get through tough workouts.

21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse before and after pictures

Charlie like so many clients earned excellent fat loss progress while keeping hard earned muscle with the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan strategies developed by Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott Mendelson from Infinityfitness.com. Quickly Burning 21 Fat Pounds Client Testimonial

Supplements for the 21 Day Fat Cell Cleanse Nutrition Plan

I used the Fat Reduce FB05 Day and Night Time formulas , Alpha Omega M3, GCX10, 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder during my plan. Thanks to the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis powder, I was able to consistently get through strenuous workouts, keep my muscle and do so without having a single protein shake during the program. What makes this transformation remarkable to me is that I know I could have made even more progress than I did. I followed the plan about 85% of time because there were summer barbecues and functions I attended that caused me to go slightly off-plan. But, because of the progress I was making, I was able to occasionally indulge guilt-free.

Thank you Scott for helping me with quickly get back into the shape I want to be in and for putting me in a better position to make even more progress. Charlie G 09/25/2019