Training Videos

20-15-10 Multi Grip Row Complex

20-15-10 Multi Grip Row Complex

Use three different grips during a 20-15-10 rep chest supported row sequence to generate fat burning hormone spikes.

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Back Movements
20-15-10 Pressing Complex

20-15-10 Pressing Complex

Perform a cluster of three pressing angle sets all in a row with short rest to maximize the release of fat burning hormones.

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Chest Exercises
Alternating Chest Press

Alternating Chest Press

Hold one dumbbell in the top position while the other arm performs reps as normal. Alternate this execution provides fresh stimuli for the chest and other support muscles to improve development.

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Chest Exercises
TVT Cable Triceps Extensions

TVT Cable Triceps Extensions

Time Variant Cable Triceps extensions support excellent development. The functional range of motion with cable resistance is easy on the joints and reduces the stress on the shoulder when done correctly.

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Arm Training
Time Variant Drag Curl

Time Variant Drag Curl

Lowering the dumbbells over 30 seconds it a wake up call for the muscles and the nervous system. This unique Time Variant Training execution will make biceps grow big time under the right recovery conditions with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder.*

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biceps training
Rhomboid Pull Down

Rhomboid Pull Down

Make the rhomboids and lower lats fire correctly with this unique exercise sequence developed by Dr. Eric Serrano MD.

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grip strength Rhomboids
Pectoral Muscle Stretching

Pectoral Muscle Stretching

Stretch the pectoral muscles in a functional manner with a doorway.

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Special Executions
Time Variant Shoulder Press

Time Variant Shoulder Press

A strategic pause held for time during the middle of the shoulder press ignites muscle fibers and fat burning hormones.

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Shoulder Development
Time Variant Lat Pull Down

Time Variant Lat Pull Down

Improve back and grip development with this unique style of execution. In this video Scott H. Mendelson uses a neutral grip with the palms facing each other for the Time Variant Lat Pull Down. There

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Back Movements
Time Variant Chest Press

Time Variant Chest Press

Increase the time under tension while providing fresh stimuli for the chest muscles. Dr. Eric Serrano MD instructs the Time Variant Chest Press execution. Scott H. Mendelson demonstrates using 40 pound dumbbells and three pauses

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Chest Exercises
external rotation band rack press

External Rotation Band Rack Press

Target the external rotators and rhomboid muscles with Dr. Serrano’s special training sequence. Improve performance and protect against injury by fixing common areas of weakness.

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Back Movements Shoulder Development

Hanging Hamstring Raise

Dr. Eric Serrano’s test for evaluating and improving hamstring strength, unilateral function, range of motion and reducing injury risk for NFL athletes.

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