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Holding the end of the dumbbell to increase the length of the lever provides fresh stimuli for the muscles.
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Start with a neutral grip and finish the movement with the palm facing you at the bottom of the movement for a great contraction. Functional grip strength is often used with one arm at a time like a mountain climber.
Unilateral Chin Grip Pull Downs help to balance strength levels between both arms.
This exercise requires a special cable attachment that will allow you to execute the neutral grip.
A wide grip lat pull down with a grip 2-3 inches wider than shoulder width works very well for back recruitment.
A chin grip lat pull down is an important alternative to a free weight chin up exercise. Ultimately the goal should be to transition to free weight chin ups when strength levels allow.
Pauses increase the time under tension of sets which can increase the recruitment of muscle fibers and fat burning hormones.
Adding an extra 1/4 to the bottom and top of each rep adds strategic challenges.
A front foot elevated lunge stimulates the quads, calf and posas muscles. Dr. Eric Serrano MD demonstrates the proper exercise posture and foot position to maximize benefits of the exercise.
Band assisted glute ham raises are great for improving running speed and peak power.
The key to success is depleting glycogen (stored carbohydrate) so that the body can burn more stored fat as fuel during subsequent stages of the interval session.
The deadlift is an excellent exercise for improving peak power and muscle development.
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target the upper back and posterior shoulder with the X Raise using cluster 8 negative execution.
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Target the lower portion of the lats with the palms facing the ceiling during the Supinated Lat Push Down. Keep the shoulder blades down during the entire movement. Notice the attention to the exercise tempo
Explosive movements are ideal for recruiting the oblique muscles which form a critical base for performance and 6 pack development.