Training Videos

High Cable Arm Extension 2

A key to success is fixing weaknesses which often occur due to poor training program design. Proper execution keeps the latissimus dorsi down which prevents shoulder impingement.

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Back Movements
Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set

Multiple Head Triceps Band Strip Set

Stimulate all three heads of the triceps muscles with appropriate grip adjustments. High tension bands offer an excellent form of resistance which provide a fresh set of stimuli for the muscles as well as the nervous system.

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Arm Training

Proper Pull Up Thumb Position

Prevent elbow pain by using the proper thumb position during pull ups, chin ups and neutral grip pull ups.

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Back Movements

Rope Lat Pull Down

Improve functional grip strength by using a triceps rope during a lat pull down movement attached to a high cable pulley.

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Back Movements

Ischemic Serrano Extensions

Eric Serrano MD demonstrates the Serrano Press with a special ischemic execution to add strategic challenges for advanced clients. Bulletproof your upper back to improve performance, muscular development and to prevent injury.

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Shoulder Development

Single Leg Squat

Single leg movements help to correct strength imbalances, improve running speed and sharpen lower body development.

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Lower Body Training

Hamstring Overhead

An excellent alternative to semi stiff deadlifts since stress on the lower back can be reduced while placing greater emphasis on the hamstrings.

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Lower Body Training
Hamstring Pray Contractions

Hamstring Pray Contractions

Improve hamstring strength, conditioning and appeal with the timed contraction methods.

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Hip Lock on Heels

Train your hamstrings in a functional manner to maximize performance and development.

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Lower Body Training

Hip Lock on Toes

Recruit the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and calf muscles during the hip lock on toes. Improve athletic performance and posterior chain development.

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Lower Body Training

Glute Raise

Build a great butt with the glute raise exercise and medicine ball resistance variations.

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Lower Body Training

Long Head Biceps Curl

Stimulate the long head of the biceps to build a great peak to the muscle.

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Arm Training
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