Training Videos

Chest Supported NG Row

This particular execution is very helpful for fixing many common back muscle weaknesses.

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Back Movements
Chest Supported UH Row

Chest Supported UH Row

The rowing position with the bench as a chest support reduces lower back stress and enables trainees to improve the quality of each rep.

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Back Movements

24 HD Fat Loss Weight Training System

Packing a high volume of quality work into a short period of time can optimize fat burning hormones for 24 to 48 hours following each session.

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Weight Training Programs

Advanced 24 HD Training Tactics

Experienced trainees must have a constant flow of strategic variety every two to three weeks to prevent staleness and to keep the body progressing quickly.

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Weight Training Programs

Weight Training Warm Up

The proper warm up protocol will improve execution and performance during weight training sessions.

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Weight Training Programs
Unilateral Neutral Grip Pull Down

Unilateral Neutral Grip Pull Down

Activate the lower portion of the Latissimus dorsi (lat) which often a weak area for most trainees that can lead to injury with unilateral neutral grip pull downs.

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Back Movements
Ischemic Prone Triceps Kick Back Series

Ischemic Prone Triceps Kick Back Series

Ischemic prone triceps kick backs are extremely difficult due to the common areas of weakness they target. Extending the time under tension, strategic pauses, fresh stimuli and other elements make ischemic training highly effective for increasing lean muscle tissue.

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ischemic training Special Executions

Prone Triceps Kick Backs

Add strategic variety to your training plan and fix the weakest links to improve triceps development. Set the bench at a 30 degree incline position. Our personalized program clients have made huge progress using specialized exercises to improve body composition and performance.

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Arm Training

Semi Neutral Grip DB Press

Semi neutral grip pressing can reduce elbow and shoulder stress while working neglected cross sections.

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Chest Exercises

Side Lateral Raise

Strengthen the posterior head of the shoulder in a strategic manner to prevent injury and improve performance.

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Shoulder Development

Close Grip Push Ups

Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson demonstrate the proper close grip push up execution for triceps emphasis.

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Arm Training Chest Exercises

High Cable Triceps Extensions

Time extended contractions are a very effective tool for experienced trainees who must implement a consistent flow of fresh exercises into their routines to prevent staleness. Holding contracted positions of certain exercises are an excellent tool for fixing weaknesses which otherwise may end up causing injury.

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Arm Training Back Movements
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