Cable Trunk Rotations
Standing in an athletic position with 30 degree knee bend face the double or single pulley system. Keep in mind that this is not a rowing exercise, but rather a core training movement. Jessica Serrano uses perfect form and provides detailed instructions for the Cable Trunk Rotations.
Cable Trunk Rotations
Personalized training and nutrition program clients will perform the number of listed reps for each side to complete the set. Take only tens seconds rest between sides. Start with what you perceive to be the weaker side for each set. Begin with a low weight load and build up gradually as you perfect the proper form.
Target your core muscles
Initiate every rep with your core muscles and keep your mind focused on proper posture throughout every rep. The head in neck should be in proper position by looking straight ahead.
Advanced trainees can use three to four second holds on top of the movement in the contracted position.