20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex

Firm up the glutes and hamstrings with the 20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex. This three exercise sequence performed with minimal rest does a great job of increasing fat burning hormones. We start with the most challenging movement at the start of the sequence for strategic reasons.

20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex

20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex

GCX10 Physique and Performance Enhancer taken 30 minutes before training improves peak performance and endurance while attacking stubborn body fat without any stimulant ingredients. Power through better reps with high energy levels throughout the training session to earn the maximum fat burning benefits from every single rep.*

20-15-10 sequence

Feet Elevated Glute bridge 20 reps using both legs at the same time. Contract the glutes on top of every rep for two seconds to gain the most benefit out of every rep.

rest for 20 seconds

Unilateral (one leg at a time) glute bridge for 15 reps starting with the left leg. Rest 10 seconds and do 15 reps with the right leg. Work to keep the hips level on top of every rep which will be very challenging even without any added weight load.

rest for 20 seconds

Glute bridge using both feet at the same time for 10 reps to complete the 20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex.

The range of motion of the glute raise should improve over time as the form is perfected. It can take some time to teach the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus to contract properly. In many cases the glutes do not fire correctly due to inactivity or poor lower body training program design. Proper glute activation is very important or squatting and many other important lower body exercises.

Glute Activaiton

Improving glute activation with the 20-15-10 Glute Bridge Complex will improve the appearance of your back side for a more shapely butt. Proper glute development also supports proper athletic and daily function to minimize the risk of many injuries.