20-15-10 Triceps Multi Grip Cluster

20-15-10 Triceps Cluster

Earn great triceps with the 20-15-10 Triceps Multi Grip Cluster. Three distinctly different grip variations are used target the three head of the triceps. The three heads of the triceps include medial, lateral and long. Dr. Eric Serrano MD has invented many highly effective long head of triceps movements which require specific angle of pull manipulations.

20-15-10 Triceps Multi Grip Cluster

The burning sensation within muscles during 20-15-10 fat loss weight training sets indicates lactic acid levels are elevated which are precursor to the powerful fat burning agent growth hormone. Prevent muscles from seizing up during training while enhancing fat burning benefits by sipping the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder around training. The proprietary blend of amino acid ingredients Dr. Eric Serrano MD developed accelerate recovery between sets to promote the high levels of performance needed to maximize body transformation progress.*

20-15-10 Triceps Multi Grip Cluster

Supinated DB triceps extensions 20 reps

rest 20 seconds

Neutral to pronated DB triceps extensions 15 reps

rest 20 seconds

Neutral grip DB triceps extensions 10 reps

This entire sequence counts as one set for the 20-15-10 fat loss weight training system.

The dumbbells should even with the side of the top of the head in the bottom position to gain full range of motion and to limit elbow strain. Poor execution can cause elbow stress. Never use barbells for triceps extension movements to avoid injury. Dumbbells allow for greater range of motion and less stress on the joints.

Keep the elbows high and pointed towards the ceiling throughout the entire set to keep the focus on the triceps muscle heads throughout the 20-15-10 Triceps Multi Grip Cluster. Imagine a string tying together the elbows to keep them pointed directly up throughout the set.

Advanced Program Modifications

A third set including special execution patterns such as 1 1/4 movements, extended eccentrics and other movement patterns can be applied for a third set of the 20-15-10 training session. A third work set is only added in cases with accelerated recovery capabilities to prevent over training. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder before, during and immediately after training expands training capacity exponentially.