20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence

20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence

Fire up the hamstrings with the 20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence. Three movements all in a row using an anti burst swiss ball to properly stimulate the hamstrings. The reduced stability of the ball can increase muscle recruitment by forcing the nervous system to work much harder to achieve proper balance during every challenging rep.

20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence

The increased balancing efforts helps to burn more calories during every single rep. Swiss ball hamstring movements are much more difficulty than prone or seated hamstring curls for many reasons. We take full advantage with this excellent 20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence.

Warning: The fresh stimuli presented with the 20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence will create tremendous soreness if the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder are not sipped 30 minutes before and immediately after training. The proprietary blends of amino acids within the naturally flavored 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder Dr. Eric Serrano designed based on many years of successful patient research drastically reduce muscle soreness while increasing the utilization of stored fat as fuel during challenging training sessions.*


20-15-10 Hamstring Sequence

Swiss ball hamstring curl for 20 reps

Rest 20 seconds

Swiss ball contractions with a shoulder width foot placement for 15 reps.

Rest 20 seconds

Swiss ball contractions with a two inches wider than shoulder width foot placement for 10 reps.

Keeping the Hips High

Keep the Hips High throughout the entire series to maximize hamstring and glute recruitment. Letting the hips sag downward is counter productive. Take a break during the set if needed to support the proper form.

Use an anti burst swiss ball for safety. The larger the ball the easier the movement becomes due to the increased surface size. A smaller ball forces the muscles to work much harder during the swiss ball hamstring curl for example as the ball can travel a longer distance with each rep. A smaller ball also takes more work to balance.

Strategic Progressions

Personalized 12 week training and nutrition program clients may start a six week training phase with a large ball and progress to a smaller ball over time to add strategic challenge as skill levels improve.