Fitness Tips

10 Reasons Why The KISS Fat Loss Nutrition Will Help You Burn Body fat

Outsmart 20 Pounds of Body Fat.

Just in time for Spring with the Kiss Fat Loss Nutrition Plan

By: Eric Serrano and Scott H. Mendelson

Clients report significantly improved rates of body fat loss and general energy during the first 14 days of executing the Kiss Fat Loss Nutrition plan. The first two weeks which we refer to as the Fat Burning Kick Starter are designed to shift the body into using an increased amount of stored fat as fuel while cleansing the system of many toxins associated with refined foods. *

The Kick Starter featuring high organic protein, medium dietary fat and high dietary fiber intake will never leave you feeling hungry or low on energy! Efficient Fat Loss Progress fuels consistent execution which is a key to lasting fat loss success.*

Bust through fat burning plateaus

A Typical low calorie fat loss nutrition plan will initially cause people to lose a combination of muscle and body fat within the first month, but progress on the scale grinds to a halt shortly thereafter. You can expect an even faster rate of fat loss during the second month of the KISS Fat Loss program as it takes time to build metabolic and hormonal momentum.*

KISS Fat Loss Nutrition Plan

The KISS Fat Loss Nutrition Plan can help you outsmart 20 pounds of body fat.


Easy To Follow the KISS Plan Every Day

KISS stands for keep it simple stupid! The program makes use of many advanced nutrition concepts, yet we have made the KISS plan very simple to execute which supports both the high quality and consistency of execution needed to maximize your fat burning capabilities. Eating primarily two meals per day with snacks between meals in some situations requires minimal food prep time and allows you to work throughout the day with fewer interruptions to sit down and eat. *


Dr. Eric Serrano MD

“I perform extensive hormonal blood work reviews with every patient on a regular basis and can quickly spot barriers to success such as overtraining by evaluation the testosterone to cortisol ratio, thyroid, cholesterol, liver enzymes and more. New patients often have poor levels of amino acid concentration in the blood stream and this vital marker defines patient potential for building muscle and burning fat.”* Dr. Eric Serrano MD

High Energy Levels Drive High Quality Fat Burning Training Sessions

Exercise plays a vital role in the fat loss success equation and adequate energy is needed to support your training success. Performing the right weight training and interval sprint programs to fit individual client needs can drastically improve fat loss. The higher the quality of your training sessions- the faster you will lose body fat. Amino loading with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder (now available with natural flavoring) around training and between meals will provide a powerful alternative energy source for intense training and daily life while crushing cravings.*

 “During follow up blood work Patients who Amino Load frequently with the proprietary blends of ingredients within the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder that I developed can experience huge improvements in their blood profiles identifying the proper levels of Amino Acids available to fuel substantial muscle growth, fat loss and improved performance. The physique improvements following this improved status are absolutely incredible.”* Eric Serrano MD

Amino Loading with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis Powder between meals can improve mental energy levels and performance of difficult work related tasks even when working hour are running longer than normal. These proven tools are even more important when executing a low carbohydrate plan to shift the body to using stored fat as fuel instead of hard earned muscle.*

 Macronutrient cycling strategies

Just like training your nutrition plan must also change strategically to avoid metabolic staleness. Macronutrient Cycling is a simple way of changing food sources at certain times to increase crucial fat burning enzymes while optimizing the hormonal environment. Rotating foods can prevent the sluggishness stemming from food sensitivities developed from eating the same foods every day. If your nutrition strategy has not changed in years, it must for you to earn significant fat loss progress.*

We review thousands of meal plans each year along with detailed client histories and many of the same mistakes keep coming up. If you have failed to make significant progress with methods used before then a drastic change is needed are you can expect the same poor results. Why waste your time and money on methods that do not work?*

Cleanse Fat Cells to burn body fat quickly and to keep it off forever!

Alpha Omega M3 ‘s Proprietary blend of ingredients Cleanses Fat Cells to burn body fat.*

Fat cell cleansing

There are many misconceptions about body fat- it is made up of billions of fat cells, some we are born with and others created by bad food choices such as corn oil used in frying. Once you have a large ware house of fat cells your capacity to store body fat is greatly increased. You can manipulate cell size by making them collectively shrink and that is how we lower body fat levels. Furthermore fill fat cells with their desired essential fatty acid materials found in Alpha Omega M3 ‘s specific proprietary ratios and this cements a huge barrier to future body fat accumulation even when diet is less than perfect for stretches of time.*

Block Stress Cravings

Highly stressed people often binge and their sources are typically highly refined foods which have tons of fat storing attributes, but the trouble does not end there. The left over toxins, trans fats etc. lodge in the fat cells forcing an unwanted expansion and inhibit the use of stored materials as fuel. The best way to get these cells back into fat burning mode is to purge the garbage with a high dosage of Alpha Omega M3 to not only change the raw material landscape, but to also optimize the hormonal environment- limiting the fat storing impact of stress. Optimizing insulin sensitivity can stop hunger and cravings in their tracks to quickly getting rid of the greatest barriers to success.*

Email for your Free copy of the KISS Fat Loss Male and Female Nutrition Plans.

Read part 2